Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sixth Grade Science Camp

I just returned from spending the past several days at Pathfinder Ranch with our sixth graders. What an awesome opportunity for these kids! They are having a wonderful experience and building great memories... but boy are they tired come bedtime!

Everyday students rise and shine at about 6:00 am, eat a wonderful breakfast and then attend 2 classes before lunch and two classes after lunch. Classes included: water ecology, forest ecology, geology, ethnobotany, archeology, herbetology, rock climbing, horseback riding, team challenges, archery, canoeing and fresh water ecology. After dinner and a short free time, the groups come together for an evening event, such as: Night Hike, Mad Science Fair, Lorax and Town Meeting, and Campfire.

This morning, the group took a three-hour hike. Here they are in this picture... can you find them? They are on the very top!!!
This afternoon students got to choose an elective. Many of our courageous kids chose the high ropes course which included a zipline and rock wall. They proved to themselves that they can accomplish amazing feats!

I don't think I'd ever be brave enough for this! How about you?

1 comment:

  1. How cool!! I didn't know you went too? That's fantastic! LOVE the photo!! Thank you!! Oh and NO wouldn't be brave enough! ;)
