Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gong Hey Fat Choy

Gong Hey Fat Choy or Happy Chinese New Year!!
As part of their social studies curriculum, our sixth grade students study Ancient China. They learn about Chinese dynasties, Confucius, the Great Wall, the Silk Road, and Emperor Qin's terracotta army. Additionally, the students learn about the daily lives and cultural of the Ancient Chinese - including celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Each year, Victoria's sixth grade students celebrate the Chinese New Year with a Chinese feast and a parade. They work in small groups to design brightly colored dragons for the Dragon Parade they put on for the rest of the student body. The students get very creative with materials and features - from fire-blowing dragons to those covered with paper plate scales and crepe paper streamers.
Students in other classes join in the celebration by making dragon masks or puppets of their own.
The dragon parade this year was absolutely fabulous!

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